The lost continent of Zealandia was mapped for the first time The lost continent of Zealandia was mapped for the first time Why This Giant Crack Opened Up In Kenya Why This Giant Crack Opened Up ...
Hence, for example, Zealandia – the almost-entirely ... thick – not as hefty as other continents’, but still an increase on the 6 or 7 kilometers (3.7 or 4.3 miles) of oceanic crust; it ...
Paleontologists in New Zealand discovered a 14.6-million-year-old bee fossil ... first of its kind found in the largely submerged continent of Zealandia. Discovered in the Hindon Maar Complex ...
Only recently, scientists mapped the hidden continent of Zealandia located in the Southern Ocean. Africa's split "will be just another move in this giant geological playbook," said IFL Science.
This includes two articles slated for the March-April 2017 print issue: "Quaternary Rupture of a Crustal Fault Beneath Victoria, British Columbia, Canada," by K.D. Morell and colleagues, and ...
14 million year old bee fossil found on the ancient continent of Zealandia. Credit: Michael S. Engel and Uwe Kaulfuss The fossil was discovered at the Hindon Maar site, an exceptional paleontological ...