If you can turn a percentage into a decimal in your head – for instance by imagining it as pennies in the pound – this method is quick on a calculator as it is only one step.
Use fraction calculators for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing different fractional values. Here it also helps in simplification and conversion between fractions and decimal values. ** ...
6 Pupils explain how to use known multiplication facts and unitising to multiply decimal fractions by whole numbers (tenths) 7 Pupils explain how to use known multiplication facts and unitising to ...
To multiply \(23.7\) by \(4\) without using a calculator, you can set it out like this: One decimal place is used in the calculation therefore the solution should also contain one decimal place.
participants will explore the base-ten structure of the number system and sort out the reasoning that underlies the computational strategies--including the conventional algorithms--for the four basic ...
How to calculate decimal portion of capacitance value? I got sample source code as below, but don't understand the magic number 2048 and 1048576 that are used to calculate capacitance value. Can you ...