Like most plants, corn growth progresses through three main phases: germination, vegetative, and reproductive stages. During germination, seeds break dormancy when soil temperatures exceed 50°F. They ...
How severe that reduction is likely to be depends on not only the amount of leaf area removed, but also the corn's growth stage when hail occurs (Table 3). When leaf area is removed, the plant loses ...
Will making a shallow application of 10-34-0 provide corn plants with sufficient phosphorus during early growth stages when ...
Shorter-season varieties will go through their reproductive stages too rapidly, resulting in a shorter plant with fewer nodes, which ripens too early. 3. Planting soybeans ahead of corn requires ...
Diseases cause worry ahead of corn planting season among t hose are Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt, as Tim Unruh ...
The distribution of S. frugiperda eggs varied according to the phenological stage of the corn. The preferred site for oviposition was the lower region of the plant and the abaxial leaf surface during ...
Why is early corn staging important? The proper determination of a corn plant’s vegetative stage is useful when applying post-emergence herbicides for weed control. Applying herbicides at the ...