The Blue Nile Basin, a transboundary river basin between Ethiopia and Sudan, is used to illustrate the impacts of cooperation between riparian countries on the Water-Energy-Food nexus (WEF nexus).
Strategies for filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and implications for downstream water resources are analyzed using a river basin planning model with a wide range of historical hydrological ...
Egypt withdrew from the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) in 2010, opposing the majority of riparian countries that advocate for new cooperation mechanisms to ensure equitable water utilization.
Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda ... took no account of the other nations along the river basin that have been agitating for a more ...
Ethiopia is advancing climate resilience and sustainable development through renewable energy, water conservation, and green infrastructure, Ethiopian Minister of Planning and Development Fitsum ...
Minister Sewilam stressed that the Ethiopian dam constitutes ... He stressed that the Nile River is not merely a watercourse but the lifeline of the basin countries — an essential artery that ...