It was Tuesday, July 17, 1787 and the men writing the Constitution ... “Father of the Constitution” James Madison rose to address the delegates: “If it be essential to the preservation ...
In 1787, he urged his friend and colleague James Madison to amend the Constitution to include a written guarantee of religious liberty. Jefferson's campaign to end state support of religion ...
Federalism was born in 1787, when Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison wrote 85 essays collectively known as the Federalist papers. These eloquent political documents encouraged ...
The fundamental theory of federalism was best explained by President James Madison, in his seminal work “The Federalist ...
17, 1787, its work triumphantly done ... Benjamin Franklin and James Madison, who is often called the “father of the Constitution” for his role in developing the document, and Alexander ...
Sunshine Week occurs each year in mid-March, coinciding with James Madison’s birthday, March 16 (1751). Madison was a driving ...
Sunshine Week is a nonpartisan collaboration among groups in the journalism, civic, education, government and private sectors ...