This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Final Saga. Luffy's current peak power is Gear 5, his awakened devil fruit form enhancing his abilities significantly. Gear 6 is unlikely to exist ...
Luffy represents Nika's values and uses Zoan Fruit properties metaphorically. The Nika Fruit chose Luffy, implying he may ...
The Whole Cake Island arc delivered one of the most technically impressive and thematically rich battles in One Piece history ...
If there's one thing consistent in One Piece, it's how Luffy has continuously pushed the boundaries of his abilities, with Gear 4 serving as one of his most powerful transformations (second only ...
One Piece's latest chapter reveals a new threat on Elbaf, setting up a perfect battle for Luffy's imaginative Gear Five powers.
Enel’s return in One Piece seems inevitable, and Oda must give Enel a massive power-up before his rematch with Gear 5 Luffy ...
The latest chapter of One Piece brings us another set of surprises. Luffy meets Loki in Chapter 1130, and the latter mentions Shanks, someone the young Yonko admires. Loki notices Luffy wants to ...
One Piece chapter 1140 raw scans were primarily expected to elaborate on or better illustrate some of the less clear points made in previously released text-based spoilers. Unofficially leaked on ...
One Piece chapter 1140 spoilers ... being a good crewmate, he and Luffy get serious, the former using his Advanced Conqueror’s Haki and the latter entering his Gear 5 form.