A 300-cow dairy that uses plastic silage bags may produce as much as 6,000 pounds of waste plastic per year. All that plastic is not only messy and unsightly, but also represents an environmental ...
This storage challenge is leading farmers to store earlage and snaplage in silage bags instead of conventional methods. Bagging provides ideal conditions that minimize spoilage. With silage ...
Storing distillers grains in a covered pile or in silage bags can help prevent spoilage. Distillers grains supply rises with ethanol production in the Midwest. Producers that use distillers grains in ...
It is hard to believe that it is near that time of year when corn will start to be harvested for silage. We have been ...
Packing is complete when the surface is covered with tire tracks and is smooth. For silage bags, make sure that the bagger is working properly and that there are no holes or tears in the plastic. If ...
In addition, dry silage does not pack as well, increasing the potential for air pockets and mold. 50 to 60 percent for upright oxygen-limiting silos. 60 to 65 percent for upright stave silos. 60 to 70 ...
What are the key things to remember in making good silage? Adequate levels of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), low buffering capacity, appropriate moisture levels of forage, packing and sealing ...