With striped skunks common in Michigan ... Place a rough board into the well and allow the skunk to climb out of the well.
The National Aviary just added 10 new animal ambassadors to its collection, and not all of them are birds. The group arrived ...
Striped skunks are a classic example of aposematism—the use of bright, conspicuous colors to warn predators of a potent defense. In the skunks’ case, that defense is a noxious spray from their ...
If you're wondering why you're seeing — or smelling — skunks out and about in February, well, mating season is underway. As the critters pair up this season, watch out for sku ...
striped bodies, and button-like noses, skunks are adorable garden visitors. Despite their charming looks, skunks can damage ...
A mountain lion is one of the most powerful predators in North America. It moves silently through forests and mountains, ...
The striped skunk is stout-bodied with short legs and a long, bushy, coarsely-furred tail. The head is broad at the base with short, tapered muzzle and short, rounded ears. The eyes are small and ...
Striped skunks seen in Michigan have black-and-white striped patterns, fluffy tails and are renown for releasing a foul-smelling spray when threatened. Don't skunks hibernate in the winter?
With striped skunks common in Michigan ... into the well and allow the skunk to climb out of the well. Why do skunks spray a foul smell? In addition to marking territory, if a skunk feels ...