The course will give a solid fundament for participating in and manage the software projects of an organization and for improving the way such projects are conducted. Students who are admitted to ...
The course consists of an in-depth study of a central problem within a field of moral philosophy - metaethics, normative ethics or applied ethics. Which problem the course focuses on may vary from one ...
The course gives an introduction to fluid mechanics i.e. the mathematical description of the motion of liquids and gases (fluids). The course gives a continuum description of fluids, which is based on ...
The course focuses on methods for modern data analysis both within a practical and theoretical framework. Fewer assumptions are made when using these methods, such as machine learning or statistical ...
The course gives an overview of the field of data engineering, including data integration, abstraction and aggregation. The main focus is on use of declarative methods (such as automated reasoning) ...
This course gives an introduction to commutative rings and their modules. We study concepts such as localization, decomposition of modules, chain conditions for rings and modules, and dimension theory ...
The course will provide an overview of the Nordic power grid and its expected development. The starting point is the set of physical laws that govern the power transfer in the grid. The course will ...
This course offers an introduction to Greek and Roman mythology through an examination of the gods, goddesses, and heroes presented in the Greek and Roman art and literature. The course looks at the ...
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb. If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, ...
In this course, you will engage in more depth with issues in the philosophy of mind as well as with philosophical questions at the foundations of scientific psychology, cognitive science, and the ...
The course offers DECC-students the opportunity to undertake an internship and to use academic knowledge, skills and compentence in a relevant work situation. The host institution could be a relevant ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...