Investors enjoying municipal backing, primarily including land leases for those engaged in large-scale investment projects ...
Architects are going to carefully remove late plaster layers from its walls, particular focus to be placed on restoring ...
Key achievements of Russia’s capital are in Technological Development, Creative Industries, and Urban Environment.
Ilya Sazhin, Chair of Surgery at Buyanov City Clinical Hospital, told about contemporary surgery, advanced diagnostic methods ...
The specialists has taken care of fountains, installed lamp posts and benches, fixed lawns and flower gardens, and put up new ...
These include the latest-generation X-ray, CT and MRI, mammography, angiography and ultrasound unit. More than 370 units of ...
It is both a pivotal transport facility and a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and tourists. Since the renovation ...
About 1.25 thousand hectares will be improved as part of 236 comprehensive area development projects. Thanks to the comprehensive area development program, parks, recreation areas and sports grounds ...
В музыкальной гостиной музея Скрябина состоится вечер фортепианной музыки. Лауреат международных конкурсов Сакура Казама ...
На территории бывшей промзоны Калошино планируется построить более четырех миллионов квадратных метров недвижимости, а на ...
Знакомимся с музейными планами и выбираем, куда сходить. Государственный Дарвиновский музей рассказывает о своей коллекции, ...
Там можно найти уникальный идентификационный номер жилых домов, офисных зданий и социальных объектов, их принадлежность ...