Bacteria that cause diseases, so-called pathogens, develop various strategies to exploit human cells as hosts to their own ...
Though they live only a few hours before dividing, bacteria can anticipate the approach of cold weather and prepare for it.
Endosymbiotic organisms have to live inside of another to survive, and this relationship often provides benefits for both the ...
In a deft experiment, biologists have recreated a system that could have birthed essential cell features such as mitochondria ...
Imagine a country with a billion people, where every individual has different interests and different goals. You will never know their interests and goals until you ask them, but asking a billion ...
Metagenomics, a conventional approach to study genetic material of microorganisms, has been widely used to study the ...
Like so many organisms on the planet, when cells experience mosh-pit-level crowding, they may just become stressed. Yet unlike most other life forms, cells subject to physical stress from crowding by ...
An organism as a tenant in another - in biology, this often works quite well. ETH researchers have now shed light on how such a partnership of a cell in a cell can establish.
For the first time, scientists have been able to pinpoint single bacteria in a colony and to predict which ones will be ...
Because the integrity of a bacterial cell's "envelope" or enclosure is key to its survival, the finding could advance the search for new and better antibiotics. The research, described August 15 in ...
They have identified a wastewater bacteria that is capable of breaking down PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic. Among ...