Most of the exoplanets we've discovered orbit red dwarf stars. This isn't because red dwarfs are somehow special, simply that ...
LTT 1445 Ac is roughly the size of Earth and about 22 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus. The planet orbits the ...
"Our observations indicate the presence of powerful iron winds, probably fuelled by a hot spot in the atmosphere." ...
The possibility that there is liquid water on an exoplanet’s surface usually flags it as “potentially habitable,” but the reality is that too much water might prevent life from taking hold.
Astronomers study stars by looking at the different colors of light they emit—colors they capture and analyze using ...
Located around 634 light-years away from Earth in the Pisces constellation, the strange and hostile extrasolar planet or "exoplanet" has ... to pummel the planet's surface. These intimidating ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has been used to study 25 hot Jupiters. It has helped to answer "questions important to our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres," according to the Hubble team. Credit: ...
A star’s surface temperature can be used to determine the star’s luminosity and chemical composition. At best, a star’s exact ...
The researchers focused on the formation and distribution of water on exoplanets, particularly on how it is transported and trapped within their internal layers. Contrary to popular belief, water ...