Holtby was sent off for a challenge on Felix Nmecha from behind. On Wednesday, he was penalized with a two-game suspension by the sports court of the German Football Federation. He will miss the ...
but they were unable to capitalize on Kiel substitute Lewis Holtby’s late sending off in the 86th minute for a challenge from behind on Felix Nmecha. Instead, with Dortmund goalkeeper Gregor ...
but they were unable to capitalize on Kiel substitute Lewis Holtby’s late sending off in the 86th minute for a challenge from behind on Felix Nmecha. Advertisement Article continues below this ...
but they were unable to capitalize on Kiel substitute Lewis Holtby’s late sending off in the 86th minute for a challenge from behind on Felix Nmecha. Instead, with Dortmund goalkeeper Gregor ...
but they were unable to capitalize on Kiel substitute Lewis Holtby’s late sending off in the 86th minute for a challenge from behind on Felix Nmecha.