Chickenpox (varicella-zoster) is a highly contagious virus that causes flu-like symptoms and an itchy ... stays in your body and can cause shingles, a painful rash, later in life.
Caused by the same virus behind chickenpox, shingles is a painful nerve root infection resulting in a skin rash. What does the shingles rash looks like? Who’s at risk? And who needs the shingles ...
Internal shingles ... It's a form of shingles that affects other body systems without external skin symptoms. The varicella virus is the infectious microbe responsible for causing chickenpox.
There's a potential new treatment for people who develop shingles that spread to the eye. Doctors say about 8% of shingles ...
Shingles is an itchy skin rash ... symptoms are often much more severe than a child's. In adults, chickenpox can lead to bacterial infections, lung infections, and can even be fatal. There is no ...
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, you may also experience other shingles symptoms that can appear even before the rash surfaces ... from the infection without lasting complications.
If you are around a person who has chickenpox, you could catch the virus by touching their rash or breathing in the same air. Chickenpox is contagious until you have no new rash lesions for at ...