Jeff Bridges has an embarrassingly big list of great performances, so choosing his favourites proved to be a tough task. Read more about it here.
Twists haven’t gone away, and to this day they can be effective. What follows are, for me, some of the more jarring twists in ...
It's not uncommon for actors to launch their careers in childhood, and that can begin at almost any time, including shortly ...
Looking for movies like Ready Player One after enjoying the blockbuster spectacle of Steven Spielberg's sci-fi adaptation? We ...
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) — A prominent Lafayette business owner has died. Lloyd “Red” Lerille, 88, business owner and award-winning body builder, passed away earlier today due to health ...
It's incredible that so much talent could be in one family but Henry Fonda and children Jane and Peter suggest there's ...
Speaking at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., on Friday, President Donald Trump comforted a mother whose son died from fentanyl poisoning, telling her, "He’s up there watching you ...
The deceased has been identified as Surender, son of Shyam Bahadur, a security guard at the apartment. The family, originally from Nepal, had moved to Hyderabad seven months ago in search of ...
On Feb. 7, 2023, 19-year-old Anthony Stringfellow Jr. died by suicide at a state mental ... He loved his family," Athena Webster said of her son. "He loved life." Webster is now demanding answers ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a widow with two living children (one son died of COVID in 2021). My daughter wants me to go on a cruise with her next year. I don’t feel comfortable around crowds and strange ...
The shooting occurred Friday, Feb. 21, leading to the death of 44-year-old David West in his parent’s home on McKinley Avenue. Duane and Tammy West told 2 NEWS that their son, David, was living ...