NEW ORLEANS — In your Breakdown: during the March 29 election in Louisiana, you will be asked to approve or deny a huge overhaul of Louisiana’s tax code. Constitutional Amendment 2 could impact your ...
One lucky crawfish named Huval was saved from being served at any boil, in any étouffée’s, or other delicious crustacean ...
But McGovern, who lost every state except Massachusetts and D.C., had nothing over slick-backed California Gov. Gavin Newsom, ...
Conservatives have challenged the drawing of some Black-majority congressional districts ahead of the 2026 midterms ...
President Donald Trump’s advisory council on FEMA’s future wants to hear from the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland ...
NEW ORLEANS — In your Breakdown: Louisiana has another election coming up on March 29th, and there are four very important ...
Entergy, the Louisiana utility, has dragged its feet on renewables. Now, it seems that a proposed Meta data center in ...
While research from the 1990s on minority-opportunity districts did not find consistent turnout effects, more recent analysis from 2016 takes advantage of larger datasets (like state voter ...
Two bills in Congress would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from using hundreds of chemical assessments ...