After Arcata experienced several devastating fires, on January 24, 1884, the Arcata Fire Company #1 was established. Between ...
The Farmington Town Council at its last meeting approved two deals with a New York-based fire truck company for new trucks.
Three new fire trucks were enrolled into service and three old trucks that were nearly twenty years old were retired.
The sale of the Kirtland temple and a Euclid police officer being ambushed, shot and killed in the line of duty were among ...
TFR unveiled its two new Heavy Rescue vehicles and a new emergency response unit, Rescue 6, Friday. The two Heavy Rescue vehicles will respond to high-risk emergency special operations.
BEDFORD — Bedford County is enacting a new fire and rescue apparatus funding plan that will distribute $8.3 million for vehicle and equipment needs to county agencies for the current fiscal year ...
While the weather isn’t ideal for camping in most of the country right now, shopping in the off-season can give you some of ...
Bruce said Nancy Run purchased a new firetruck in 2023 and used $591,496 from the fire tax fund to make a ... the second payments on Bethlehem Township's trucks will be due sometime between ...
The City of Tampa is making good on its promise to give firefighters upgraded equipment to speed up their response times to emergencies.
The New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office and New Hanover EMS also responded. While the large fire didn’t make the news or any college press releases, WHQR was sent pictures of the burnt trucks from an ...