In the Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event, the Kanto birds have returned for their Dynamax debut, but they won’t stick around for long.
Pokemon GO is bringing back Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in a way that players of the mobile AR game have never seen before.
Prismatic Evolutions is the perfect Pokémon TCG set for Eevee fans. Here's every Eeveelution card in the set ranked.
Taken Over event brings a surprising change to the Shadow Pokemon lineup thanks to this Go Rocket Grunt change ...
Fans of the first Pokemon (as far as the Pokedex goes anyway) may be upset to see the Venusaur display board holding a lower ...
Pokemon Go players are annoyed as the debut of a new Pokemon has been locked behind Egg Hatches during an upcoming event.
Pokémon Go's next Fashion Week is around the corner and many players are wishing one critter was left off the guest list.
During the three-hour event, you’ll enjoy 3x Stardust, 2x candies for catches, and increased Sprigatito spawns with higher shiny chances. Any Floragato evolved into Meowscarada will learn the ...
This guide will tell players everything they need to know about Sprigatito and how to catch a Shiny version during the Community Day event in Pokemon GO. Niantic suddenly teases an upcoming ...