Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;5(4):479-487. © 2011 Expert Reviews Ltd. Cite this: Clinical and Immunological Features of Celiac Disease in Patients With ...
Since both CD and T1DM share the same genetic predisposition, characterized by positivity for HLA-DR3, -DQ2, -DR4 and -DQ8, determination of HLA pattern is not useful in identifying T1DM among ...
Antibodies are secreted immunoglobulin molecules produced mainly by plasma cells. The antigen-binding site of the antibody has a unique structure that allows it to bind antigen in a highly ...
Offering a two-in-one approach to delivering targeted therapeutics to patients and providing a versatile solution to the challenges associated with the co-administration of drugs, bispecific ...
We know that monoclonal antibodies are safe and that they work, and the technology exists to produce them – what we have done is identify how to hit bacteria with them ...