Children come to school ready and eager to learn. Schools could be centers where children identify problems and develop novel responses. Yet, all too often, formal educational experiences, beginning ...
Our national study of higher education revealed a lack of attention on the part of students (and other stakeholders) to issues of ethics and character, broadly construed. Though there are important ...
Seeks to ensure that young people grow up understanding migration as a shared condition of our past, present, and future in order to develop the knowledge, empathy and mindsets that sustain inclusive ...
Exploring effective ways to incorporate maker-centered learning in the early childhood classroom.
Emily Gonzalez joined Project Zero in 2016 while completing her Master’s at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She received her Ed.M. in Mind, Brain, and Education, as well as her B.S. from ...
Howard Gardner is the Hobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Among numerous honors, Gardner received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship in 1981, the ...
Make learning more meaningful by teaching the whole game. David Perkins, a noted authority on teaching and learning and senior co-director of Project Zero, introduces a new, practical, and ...
Action painting is a style of painting in which paint is splashed, brushed, or poured on the canvas to create movement. In this activity, children use a variety of tools to paint on large ‘3D canvas’ ...
Children use found and recycled materials to create sculptures that interact with natural and artificial light sources to create shadows. This activity connects with the creative practice of artists ...
Children create nature sculptures using natural materials and clay. This activity connects with the creative practice of artists Anya Gallacio and Andy Goldsworthy.
Children use natural materials such as leaves, sticks, petals, stones, and soil to create compositions and arrangement. This activity connects with the creative practice of environmental artist Andy ...
Children explore concepts such as construction, size, shape, and form by building 3-dimensional sculptures out of recycled cardboard, tape, clips, and glue. This activity connects with the creative ...