South Korean defense company LIG Nex1 has secured a three-point-seven trillion won order from Iraq for its Cheongung-II midrange surface-to-air missile defense system.In ...
The White House said Thursday that the leaders of the United States, India, Japan and Australia will discuss threats from North Korea, and cooperation between North Korea and ...
South Korea and the Czech Republic have agreed to support cooperation between businesses in each other’s nations on reconstruction projects in war-torn Ukraine. President ...
The presidential office has dismissed former President Moon Jae-in’s call for a complete review of the country’s discourse on unification and peace. A senior presidential official accompanying ...
3年以上仕事に就いていない15歳から29歳の若者のうち、働く意思がなく、学校にも通っていない、いわゆる「ニート」が、ことし5月の時点で8万2千人に上ることがわかりました。 統計庁のまとめによりますと、学校に通っていない15歳から29歳の若者のうち、3年以上働いていない人は23万8 ...