Sir Hans Singer, who is famed for his work on development economics and a former professor at the Institute of Development ...
Critical infrastructures’ are those that deliver important goods and services to society in the face of high levels of variability. They may be electricity supply systems or food producing systems, ...
A five-year study with child workers in Bangladesh’s growing leather industry has uncovered children working in dangerous and harmful conditions at every stage of leather processing and production, ...
MA Development Studies student Deep Mehta shares his honest reflections about diversity, during his year at IDS.
Calls for Bangladesh’s interim government to protect poorest children seeking to support their families through dangerous work. First of its kind study designed by and conducted with children in worst ...
Where do you shit? In developing countries, the answer may determine whether you live or die. Around 2.6 billion people defecate in the open. The consequences are dire: shit carries disease and is a ...
State and district level studies linking child undernutrition to agricultural prosperity and provisioning of public services highlight the importance of public health provisioning such as sanitation, ...
Nutrition surveillance – or the systematic and periodic collection of information on nutrition – is vital to the capacity of governments and other agencies to track their progress towards reducing ...
This article examines how neoliberal reforms mediate and influence relationships between emergent powers and African nations centred on agricultural development. It investigates the impact of South- ...
Uruguay is a particular case within Latin American in terms of how strong, stable and traditional its democratic institutions are. The country has also seen recent implementation of policies to ...