In the year dedicated by the Miramare Museum to initiatives for scientific dissemination and exploration, the cycle of 'Grandi Incontri' resumes with four events titled 'Da Miramare al Cosmo,' curated ...
A new study conducted by SISSA's Laboratory of Cerebral Cortex Development and recently published in BMC Biology has led to a surprising revelation about the role of the FOXG1 gene: not only does it ...
The Cosmos 2024 Prize was awarded to Giuseppe Mussardo for his book Maksimovič. The story of Bruno Pontecorvo (Castelvecchi Editore). The award ceremony took place last week during the Cosmos Festival ...
Chloride ion flows that enter the cells play an important role in the duplication of glioblastoma cells, a highly aggressive brain tumor. This is the finding of research recently published in the ...
AI: research and innovation in the territory” is the title of a session, curated by SISSA in collaboration with the iNEST Consortium, SMACT, and the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, to be held ...
PM, SISSA will host the presentation of the Future Farming Initiative, a project recently selected by the Italian Ministry of University as a flagship initiative within the framework of the Piano ...
Il Premio Cosmos 2024 è stato assegnato a Giuseppe Mussardo per il suo libro Maksimovič. La storia di Bruno Pontecorvo (Castelvecchi Editore). La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta la scorsa ...
Radiocarbon dating can fail, but archeology can still save the day. This is the key message of the seminar that Elisabetta Boaretto, physicist of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, will give at SISSA ...