A recognition is not required for courses that are completed according to an earlier curriculum and stated in an equivalence list. The exams can be transferred by the student: Automated notification ...
Freitag, 29. November 2024 Beginn: 09:00 Uhr Aula (Universität Hauptgebäude), Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck Anmeldung bis spätestens 28. November 2024 an [email protected] ...
In the Master's Programme Computer Science 2021W a Master’s Thesis amounting to 25 ECTS must be written. The Master’s Thesis is a scientific piece of work that proves the ability to work on a ...
Language: English Ferroptosis is an immunogenic process and interacts with immune cells including macrophages, T cells, neutrophils and dendric cells, although the communication mechanisms remained ...
ATC² steht für Austrian Tunnel Competence Center und repräsentiert eine Plattform für Innovation und Wissenstransfer im Bereich des Tunnelbaus. Neben Entwicklungen im Bereich der traditionellen ...
The aim of the Animating Soil Models project is to create visualisations of so-called material models for teaching purposes. Material models are mechanical theories that mathematically describe the ...
I am an Associate Professor at the University of Innsbruck and the PI of the FWF Stand-Alone grant "Order-disorder phase transitions in 2D lattice models". My field of research lies at the ...
"Living in a semi-protectorate - Bosnia and Herzegovina for three decades with the international intervention" At the end of 1995, after more than three years of war, the international community ...
Beim Dies Academicus wurden heute sechs Persönlichkeiten ausgezeichnet, die sich wertvolle Verdienste um die Universität ...
Am 9. Oktober fand im Rahmen des EUniverCities-Netzwerks ein Follow-Up-Treffen in der Innsbrucker Stadtbibliothek statt, bei dem das Thema „Wissen(schaft)svermittlung im urbanen Raum: Synergien ...
Mag.a Dr.in Maria Pober (Institut für Germanistik, Universität Wien) ...