Happy third anniversary to daughter Loretta and Dustin on Oct. 1! I wish them many more happy, healthy years together.
An exuberant exhibit shows that, when it comes to art, the community should be known for far more than its furniture.
The most popular names of Americans who register to vote as Republicans are Andy Byler, Steven Stoltzfus, Elmer Stoltzfus, ...
Although they're Amish men raising a barn in Bear River, Wyoming, but they don't exactly look or act the part. These Amish, ...
I am sitting here drinking coffee and enjoying a piece of zucchini coffee cake that a lady from our church district dropped ...
When one thinks of Amish or Mennonite communities, one often thinks of dour, black clad, insular communities at odds with the ...
Republicans court a skeptical Amish community in Pennsylvania - Republicans are trying to convince the Amish community to ...