A seemingly harmless nap turned into a life-changing ordeal for a Florida man who lost vision in one eye after sleeping with ...
Doctors found 27 contact lenses stuck under her upper eyelid, all clumped together. But how did this happen? As per reports, the woman was scheduled for cataract surgery on her right eye.
"A bluish foreign body" turned out to be a "hard mass" of 17 lenses stuck together with mucus Surgeons have removed 27 contact lenses from the eye of a 67-year-old woman who had come to Solihull ...
New research demonstrates that high-add multifocal contact lenses significantly slow myopia progression in children, with ...
The treatment: Most of the contact lenses fell out on their own as doctors administered anesthesia in the eye socket. After removing the remainder, the doctors postponed the woman's cataract ...