Collectibles can be expensive to acquire and store, don’t generate income, are targeted by fraudsters, are not always easy to sell, and can swing wildly in valuation.
Pokémon TCG Pocket has trading now, though it comes with a few new mechanics exclusive to the mobile game such as Trade Stamina. Pokémon TCG Pocket runs on vari ...
Out of the new cards introduced in the Space-Time Smackdown expansion set, Palkia ex is one of the most interesting from a ...
Are you wondering what the strongest cards in the new Pokémon TCG Pocket set are? Look no further than this list of the best Space-Time Smackdown cards.
The world of Pokémon Adventures has even higher stakes than the games, and the powers and feats of the Legendary Pokémon are ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket players call out Sinnoh starter as the “worst” card in the entire game that will lose you games if you use it.
Pokemon TCG Pocket has finally gotten some trading capabilities, but it's already been dumped on like a ton of ...
We got an opportunity to interact with Pokémon GO. So just keep reading as we give you more insights about the upcoming event ...
A new Supporter card coming to Pokemon TCG Pocket through the Space-Time Smackdown set might be what ends Sabrina’s reign.
Recent leaks have shown off new Pokemon, trainers, tools, and more coming to Pokemon TCG Pocket in the Space-Time Smackdown ...