A Space Race-era study from the Air Force proposed establishing a Moon base by 1969 armed with a "Lunar Based Earth ...
China is seeking to push forward in its quest to build the first lunar base, launching an in-space experiment to test whether the base's bricks could be made from the Moon's own soil. A cargo ...
and the ambitious plans to create a lunar base. It’s the dawn of a new era in space exploration! Elon Musk wants to abolish daylight savings time, and it might actually be a good idea I've spent ...
With funding from the Italian Space Agency, the GLAMS project is advancing lunar habitations with 3D printed regolith structures.
Three key results are central to the report: This discovery is timely as nations and private enterprises intensify their efforts to establish permanent lunar bases. Understanding the water's ...
The European Space Agency's vision for a Moon base The head of the European Space Agency (Esa) Jan Woerner has said he envisages the construction of a Moon base to replace the International Space ...
Professor Jonathan Coleman, who leads the research project, said the discovery could help limit the amount of building materials that would need to be transported off Earth to build a Moon base.