Just over a month into winter, Central Montana is seeing one of the snowiest years in recent history. According to the NRCS Snow Survey Program, snowpack in the Big Snowies ...
Matt Ehnes, a Great Falls photographer, and Jared Dillingham, a former KRTV reporter, have been honored with an Emmy Award in the Rocky Mountain Region for their work in the News Feature category.
Descendants of survivors helped researchers identify 279 deportees and tell their stories. ‘We give previously faceless victims a voice,’ says project’s co-founder.
The Montana Department of Commerce recently announced that over $350,000 in grant funds were divided among 17 agricultural businesses and communities throughout Montana including the Wickens Salt Cree ...
A significant area of Cretaceous rock exposures in northwest Montana has been recognized as an International Geoheritage Site, Montana State University announced on Thursday.
MONTANA - The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) is launching a $250,000 initiative to promote virtual fencing ...