Quick and easy covers can be used with a raised bed to begin early or extend the season well into the winter. Easier Access and Maintenance: Depending on the height of the bed, you can minimize the ...
Hold off on recycling those old metal containers - with basic DIY skills and a bit of ingenuity, you can find plenty of uses ...
Discover how to reuse wooden pallets to achieve perfect garden spacing. Explore ideas and tips for transforming pallets ...
Proper planting of asparagus crowns is essential for their development. In early spring, dig trenches approximately six ...
Raised bed gardening encourages you to garden with more intensity, planting closer together, rotating crops and planting in succession to maximize production. Weeding, the bane of gardening ...
Really cheap. Many raised-garden kits cost upwards of $100, but these bricks sell for around $3 each and you only need four of them for a basic bed. Between the bricks and four lengths of suitable ...
I recently visited Buds and Blooms Nursery in Wesson, Mississippi, where they were growing some gorgeous leafy greens in raised beds. Raised beds are ideal for cool-season vegetables because they ...
Create an easy, affordable, no-dig garden bed from topsoil or planting mix bags. Learn about other no-dig methods using straw bales and lasagna gardening basics. Is this the year you finally start ...
Gardeners start to feel housebound this time of year. Sure, you can make a weekly shopping venture to Lewiston or hike out to ...