Stressful or traumatic experiences in childhood have been shown to negatively impact an individual's health as an adult.
To maintain a healthy heart, researchers say people should focus on diet and exercise, limit alcohol, manage stress, get ...
In children, can being treated for cancer have consequences for the heart—namely, cardiac arrythmias? A new study by ...
While it is known that stress impacts learning and decision-making, Dr. Jennifer Resnik of the university’s Department of ...
It's up to you to decide if a doctors' proposed treatment is worth it. Weighing the cost-both financial and emotional-of undergoing more poking and prodding is hard if the alternative poses risks as ...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) teamed up to question the Federal Reserve’s proposal to ...
The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of Qatar banks has declined considerably indicating they are taking appropriate measures ...
Q: I could use some good news. What important medical breakthroughs happened last year? -- Frank J., Pasadena, California ...
New risk score links stress response to heart disease, enhancing prediction and prevention in coronary artery disease patients.
Renowned economist Peter Schiff has expressed criticism of the Federal Reserve's recent bank stress tests, highlighting the lack of preparation for a potential stagflation scenario.
Fed dials back regulatory burden on major US banks, ending climate stress test and rolling out more favorable 2025 scenario.
The stress test, which will include 22 banks compared to last year’s 32, will feature two added hypothetical elements for the Fed’s “exploratory analysis” of the banking system.