The actress recently graced the singing reality show 'Indian Idol', and said that she would like to work with KJo. She ...
The film went on floors in Mumbai on Thursday morning, as per the team of 'The India Story'. Directed by Chetan DK and produced by MIG Production and Studios, 'The India Story' will hit the theatres ...
Kangana Ranaut, who plays the role Indira Gandhi in her new film "Emergency", said she did extensive research and now ...
Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut discusses her portrayal of Indira Gandhi in her upcoming film ’Emergency,’ asserting that the ...
Kangana Ranaut, who plays the role Indira Gandhi in her new film "Emergency", said she did extensive research and now ...
SRINAGAR: Kangana Ranaut, who plays the role Indira Gandhi in her new film “Emergency”, said she did extensive research and ...
Kangana Ranaut admits to making wrong choices while directing Emergency, including opting for a theatrical release instead of ...
Applauding Indira Gandhi's mass appeal during her stint as politician, Kangana further said, ''Apart from some very crazy ...
Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency', depicting Indira Gandhi's contentious era, receives a nod from Priyanka Gandhi. Despite ...
Actress and Politician Kangana Ranaut has been seen promoting her upcoming film "Emergency", based on the 21 months tenure.