Bern, 08.01.2025 - Darko Savic, Director department Procurement Integrated Air Defence, will leave the Federal Office for Defence Procurement armasuisse at the end of ...
How much money is devoted to R&D in Switzerland? Who are the main stakeholders? What are the most important types of research? And how does this compare internationally? This press conference will be ...
Neuchâtel, 07.01.2025 - The consumer price index (CPI) fell by 0.1% in December 2024 compared with the previous month to 106.9 points (December 2020 = 100). Inflation was +0.6% compared with the same ...
Since 1 January 2025, the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) has two units specialising in cybersecurity and the security of telecommunications networks. The Market Access and Cybersecurity ...
In the Nanovision project, researchers at Empa and the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen are developing novel nanocomplexes that kill resistant germs and protect the eye tissue at the same time. In ...
The coating process developed at PSI opens up new ways to increase the energy density of different types of batteries: “We can assume that our lithium fluoride protective coating is universal and can ...
The gross annual income of a federal councillor is CHF 477,688 (as of 1 January 2024). It is adjusted for inflation, as are all salaries paid to federal employees, but there is no salary increase in ...
Bern, 08.01.2025 - Das Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV) hat die Voruntersuchung zu mutmasslichem Subventionsbetrug durch ehemalige Verantwortliche der Bus Ostschweiz und der BLS abgeschlossen. Es hat sie ...
Neuchâtel, 08.01.2025 - Le domaine recherche et développement (R-D) est un élément essentiel de la compétitivité et du dynamisme économique d’un pays. Quels sont les montants qui y sont consacrés en S ...
Berna, 08.01.2025 - L'Ufficio federale dei trasporti (UFT) ha concluso le inchieste preliminari in merito a presunte frodi sui sussidi da parte di ex dirigenti di Bus Ostschweiz e BLS e rimesso il ...
Berne, 08.01.2025 - L’Office fédéral des transports (OFT) a clos les enquêtes préliminaires sur des fraudes présumées aux subventions commises par d’anciens responsables de Bus Ostschweiz et du BLS.
Berne, 08.01.2025 - Darko Savic, chef du domaine d’activité Acquisitions de la Défense aérienne intégrée, quittera l’Office fédéral de l’armement armasuisse fin avril 2025 après environ 16 ans de ...