News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
The Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan has proposed changes to emergency medical assistance regulations, which would limit response to patients with acute and chronic conditions to weekdays from 8:00 AM ...
Yandex (MOEX: YDEX) is spinning off its own brands from the Yandex Market marketplace into a separate business unit to be developed under the name Yandex Factory, the company said.
Passenger train services between Karaganda and Moscow will resume on December 17, 2024, after being suspended since 2020.
Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in a birthday message to Turkmenistan's President Serdar Berdymukhamedov, expressed his intention to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the ...
In Kazakhstan, a year ago a pipeless gas distribution innovative project for the northern regions was started using liquefied natural gas (LNG). The first LNG regasification station was built last ...
The issue of building a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan has been discussed not for the first year. Attempts to implement the relevant project have been made several times, but these plans have never ...
Вашингтон. 28 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Обрушившийся ураган "Хелен" унес жизни по меньшей мере 30 человек на юго-востоке США, сообщает Associated Press (AP).
Вашингтон. 28 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Многоразовый корабль Crew Dragon компании SpaceX с американским астронавтом Ником Хейгом и космонавтом "Роскосмоса" Александром Горбуновым в субботу стартует к Межд ...
Астана. 27 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС-КАЗАХСТАН – Президент Казахстана Касым-Жомарт Токаев прибыл с рабочей поездкой в Туркестанскую ...
26.09.2024, 21:53 В "Хезболле" заявили о запуске 80 реактивных снарядов по городу Цфат на севере Израиля 26.09.2024, 21:51 ...
Новосибирск. 27 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Землетрясение магнитудой 5,9 зафиксировано в акватории Индийского океана в 1002 км ...