A major new study co-authored by Professor Stefan Doerr, Director of the Centre for Wildfire Research, at Swansea University ...
The Institute of International Shipping Law (IISTL) opened its 2013 season with a bang when it co-convened a major symposium on “Reforming Commercial and Marine Insurance Law” with the Law Commission.
The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL), in collaboration with NASAMER (Koc University), organised a one-day Colloquium in Istanbul on 14 May 2019. The objective of the event was ...
#TASMConf 2024 took place on 18-19 June, with 252 registered delegates from 25 countries across the world. The delegates included researchers from a range of academic disciplines and a large number of ...
Cwblhaodd Dr Heffernan radd israddedig mewn Gwyddor Ymarfer Corff a Chwaraeon, mae ganddo MSc mewn Ffisioleg Ymarfer Corff a PhD mewn Geneteg Molecwlaidd o Brifysgol Fetropolitan Manceinion (MMU) a ...
Information on this page relates to year abroad opportunities available for students studying abroad in 2024/25 only. Information about year abroad opportunities available for 2025/26 will be released ...
Information on this page relates to year abroad opportunities available for students studying abroad in 2024/25 only. Information about year abroad opportunities available for 2025/26 will be released ...
This module is delivered primarily as a 5-day residential that aims to develop the students’ knowledge of the available pharmaceutical treatments for diabetes. It will explore all aspects of current ...
Darlithydd yw Dr Wing Chung Tsoi. Mae ei ddiddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar broses-ateb celloedd ffotofoltäig/solar, gan gynnwys celloedd solar organig, a chelloedd solar perofsgit. Mae ...
Whittaker, M., Evans, M., Wilshire, B., Evans, M., & Whittaker, M. (2012). Long-term creep data prediction for type 316H stainless steel. Materials Science and ...
Ar hyn o bryd, Athro a noddir gan TATA Steel ydw i. Cyn hynny bûm yn gweithio fel swyddog ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol yng Nghanolfan Technoleg Deunyddiau Prifysgol Rolls-Royce gan arbenigo ym maes cymeriadu ...
Rwy'n Athro sy'n gweithio yn y Sefydliad Deunyddiau Strwythurol (ISM) lle mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar ddeunyddiau perfformiad uchel ar gyfer cymwysiadau peiriannau jet. Rwy'n ...