SOUTH-EAST ASIA (dpa): Harvesting fog could ease water scarcity in the world's driest place, a new study has suggested. In ...
Istanbul is one of the world's biggest cities, growing larger still every year. Its rapid expansion is putting enormous ...
HYDERABAD: In an innovative initiative, the Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) organized an awareness workshop at ...
In reality, however, the SDGs no longer seem central to government policy. Given the spirit shown by Pakistan in 2016, it was expected that the SDGs would be fully embraced at all levels, at least by ...
In the Argolida region of southern Greece, water escapes through cracks in an irrigation canal feeding a plain of orange ...
Deadly drownings of animals in water canals for irrigation and other purposes have been observed in various countries. The ...
Learn how fog collection can help mitigate water shortage in Alto Hospicio, providing vital resources to underserved ...
February temperatures rise above average, rainfall expected; water scarcity addressed in 66 villages, additional measures planned for future.
Residents in Eloor municipality face water scarcity, urging Kerala Water Authority for regular pumping to resolve the issue.
In Alto Hospicio, "fog harvesting" could generate between 0.2 and 5 liters of water per square meter each day.
Freshwater, essential for ecosystems and human well-being, is becoming increasingly scarce. Population growth, urbanisation ...