James Hansen - Wikipedia
James Edward Hansen (born March 29, 1941) is an American adjunct professor directing the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions [4] of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.
James E. Hansen | Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions
Dr. James Hansen, formerly Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, where he directs the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions.
Earth Reacts to Greenhouse Gases More Strongly Than We Thought
Nov 3, 2023 · CLIMATEWIRE | Climate scientist James Hansen is frustrated. And he’s worried. For nearly 40 years, Hansen has been warning the world of the dangers of global warming. His testimony at a...
James Hansen’s Climate Warning, 30 Years Later
Jun 26, 2018 · Thirty years ago this month, James Hansen warned that the planet was warming, and would continue to do so. A wide variety of media marked the anniversary.
Dr. James E. Hansen - Columbia University
Sep 29, 2021 · Hansen, J., 2021: Foreword: Uncensored science is crucial for global conservation, In DellaSala DA (ed). Conservation Science and Advocacy for a Planet in Peril. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021,451 pp.
James Hansen's New Climate Warning and Controversial Plan to ... - Newsweek
Nov 3, 2023 · Hansen and 17 co-authors argue in a new peer-reviewed paper that warming is accelerating beyond what many climate models show, and that cuts to greenhouse gas emissions—while urgently...
Dr. James E. Hansen - Staff Profiles - Columbia Climate School
Dr. James Hansen, formerly Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, where he directs the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions.
New Research Led by James Hansen Documents Global Warming …
1 day ago · At the current rate, the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to somewhere between 2.7 degrees and 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5-2 degrees Celsius) is pretty much dead, said James Hansen ...
James Hansen | Speaker - TED
James Hansen is Adjunct Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He was trained in physics and astronomy in the space science program of James Van Allen at the University of Iowa.
James E. Hansen - Google Scholar
Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim? J Hansen, M Sato, P Kharecha, D Beerling, R Berner, V Masson-Delmotte, ... J. Geophys. Res 110, D18104. J. Geophys. Res. 92 (D11), 13345-13372.