Third Ward - University of Houston
Third Ward has been called the cradle of the city’s civil rights movement because black college students sat down at a segregated Third Ward lunch counter to first protest discriminatory policies in 1960. Most of the social activism from the African American community grew out of Third Ward.
Third Ward Initiative - University of Houston
As a good neighbor and university dedicated to civic engagement, we will partner and collaborate with the Third Ward to transform its schools, businesses, and healthcare resources. We celebrate the culture and history of our shared community.
Media - University of Houston
UH’s Third Ward Initiative has started a domino effect of programs that have impacted the community surrounding the University in various ways. In 2018, UH partnered with various Third Ward community members to start the Third Ward Initiative to assist local businesses, schools, hospitals and artists in developing themselves and their community.
Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine, Third Ward Partners ...
Mar 19, 2024 · The University of Houston contributes to a number of civic partnerships. Now, UH's Tilman J. Fertitta College of Medicine has a presence within the Third Ward Community Health Collaborative to address the health challenges faced within this historic neighborhood.
General Motors Supports UH’s Third Ward Initiative to Advance …
General Motors recently provided a $150,000 grant to the University of Houston’s Third Ward Initiative, helping to improve the quality of life for Third Ward residents through enhanced educational programs and economic development assistance.
Community Outreach - University of Houston
HARC at UH Third Ward Multi-Service Center The USLHC, in partnership with the Houston Aphasia Recovery Center (HARC), provides weekly drop-in Conversation Groups for adults who have suffered a stroke or other neurological event and …
Volunteer in the Community - University of Houston
Below are listed organizations that facilitate volunteering in the Third Ward Community. Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation My Home Library Program. www.myhomelibraryhouston.org
Volunteer - University of Houston
The University of Houston Third Ward Initiative in partnership with the University of Houston Healthy Start Program requests your participation and support by volunteering and sharing the opportunity with your networks.
UH College of Medicine Coordinating Care in Third Ward, East End
Jan 26, 2021 · The University of Houston College of Medicine has launched its coordinated care network, aimed at helping families who are facing significant health disparities efficiently access health care and resources, while giving students hands-on experience in …
Engaging with the Columbia Tap Trail in Houston’s Third Ward
Dec 20, 2021 · The Columbia Tap Hike and Bike Trail is four-mile path through the middle of Third Ward. Once a railway, the trail provides a path for many Houstonians to hike, bike and walk, which is important to many community members who may not have access to transportation. But the trail needs improvement.