Are C Band satellites still working? - DBSTalk Forum
Feb 26, 2013 · C-band just really refers to the transmission frequency band where it resides. In the old days, C-band was all analog. Here is a list of whats available on C-Band according to …
Why can't consumers get C-Band anymore? - DBSTalk Forum
Apr 27, 2018 · There seems to be some confusion about what's available on C-Band. I was in the satellite business for 30 years, selling everything from C-Band to Dish, Primestar and DirecTV. …
Whats left on C-Band? | DBSTalk Forum
May 29, 2014 · Looks like after getting a Digital Tuner the C-Band will get ABC, CBS , NBC , FOX. You can just use a C Band LNB to get these at Galaxy 16 99.0W from the PR Mux (well …
So what can I do with this old c-band dish? | DBSTalk Forum
Aug 1, 2015 · Also google PowerVu with other searches on Satellite websites. You can get a controller for the dish motor You might also want to change the feed horn from C-band to C …
Receiving C-Band Signals with a Ku-Band Dish? - DBSTalk Forum
Aug 10, 2010 · It's been a few years, but when I was installing c-band dishes, the smallest that I could get away with was a 5' dish locked on one satellite. There's not a chance in the world …
C-Band to Ku-Band - DBSTalk Forum
Sep 17, 2012 · I have a C/KU dish and C/KU LNB, and due to the age of the dish, and some hail damage, I cannot get it to pick up any KU at all, which C band signals are 90% or better. …
HBO Switches C-Band Satellites - DBSTalk Forum
Nov 15, 2002 · In January, HBO will begin using SES AMERICOM'S AMC-4 satellite at 101 degrees West Longitude (W.L.) for distribution of four analog multiplex feeds - HBO2 East and …
please explain c-band and what u can get with | DBSTalk Forum
Apr 17, 2004 · please in detail what is c band and can a person get any channel in world?if im in ny can i watch los angelas networks(abc,cbs,etc)? can i watch channels in europe?can i hook …
DIRECTV and Ka (with satellite configs) | DBSTalk Forum
Mar 13, 2007 · Ka satellite locations can operate with 2 degrees of separation, narrower than the 4 degree necessary for Ku. Typical Ka dbs licenses allow two 500 mhz ranges of downlinking: …
Mounting a large DBS dish to an old C-Band pole?
Aug 9, 2004 · Are there any mounts out there that will attach to the C-band pole, and then allow me to put a 1 5/8" pole in the other part of the mount? I'm going to be using a motor attached …